Ex-Voto Publishing

The Problem of Natural Evil

Michael Ruse, “Naturalism, Evil, and God”

What Is “Naturalism”? Let’s start in by talking about “naturalism,” for this is a word with many meanings. When I was a child, it meant nudism, going around without your clothes on. With some regret, this is not the topic of this essay, for it is rather with notions of naturalism that have to do […]

Michael Ruse, “Naturalism, Evil, and God” Read More »

Voltaire, “Poem on the Lisbon Disaster”

The Lisbon earthquake of 1755 is one of the most significant earthquakes in recorded history, killing tens of thousands in Lisbon, thousands more elsewhere in Portugal, and additional thousands in Spain and Morocco. While other earthquakes have resulted in more victims, none have produced greater intellectual shockwaves than the one in Lisbon. In the months

Voltaire, “Poem on the Lisbon Disaster” Read More »

The Problem of Natural Evil, Answered

The problem of natural evil centers on the following question: is the existence of an all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful God consistent with the enormous suffering resulting from natural disasters, diseases, genetic defects, predation, and other “evils” that appear to be inherent features of the natural world? The pervasiveness and brutality of so-called “natural evil” is

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