Ex-Voto Publishing

Writings on Evil by Doctors of the Church

Anselm, On the Fall of the Devil

Anselm of Canterbury (1033–1109) is often referred to as the “Father of Scholasticism” for his use of dialectics in his theological works, a method that would later become standard practice for scholastic writers. His ability to view issues from multiple perspectives and develop arguments reconciling seemingly contradictory presuppositions is on display in On the Fall

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Irenaeus, Against Heresies

A central purpose of Against Heresies was to refute the heretical teachings of Gnosticism, which flourished during the early church period. Because many Gnostics held that spiritual knowledge was to be arrived at through interior means, and because many also claimed to have access to ‘secret knowledge’ about the nature of the universe, Gnostic beliefs

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